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Its all about the "feels", the kind in your bladder but not your brain. So why am I bringing this up? Well as I've said in the past, but failed to elaborate on, this arc of Sword Art is basically the equivalent of a Jun Maeda VN. His current show is called Charlotte, its already had its gristly tragedy portion, which means now we can hit the reset button right?. With the exception of say, the original PC version of Tomoyo After, these usually get resolved by some magical plot contrivance that makeah no sense leaving us with a random happy ending that doesn't seem to have been earned or warranted. All his works feature some male character with a tragic backstory getting attracted to a series of female characters with tragic backstories and eventually more tragedy strikes, whether it be a bus crash, or amnesia, or even strange phantom diseases with staggering high mortality rates. The source of this problem is he's just repetitive. No really Jun Maeda is one of the worst VN writers around, and considering how bad most VNs are, this is a rather sizable feat. They were all adapted into anime either by Toei (less said about those the better) or KyoAni. You may have heard of some of them like "Kanon", "Little Busters", and the dreaded "Clannad". you're just a still picture.Īnyway, Maeda-san writes (or used to actually) visual novels for a company named "Key".