Comment by Conan Exiles staff, Ignasis: Hey there, Our team is aware of this unbalance and they'll looking into it. There you can exchange ice, 20 ice shards and one manifestation of the zeal for the. However, you need the Exaulted Altar of Ymir to make it. In order to start collecting Ice Shards, you must first choose the path of the Frost Giants. You need to harvest 10 Ice Shard and craft it on the Altar of Ymir. They are also located at the highest mountain peaks or in deep winters. Conan Exiles Armor Stats 2020Īnd more! Thralls. Once you've done that, you can gain Ice Shards by using the Hoar-Frost Hatchet on dead bodies and trees. The Hoar Frost Hatchet Conan Exiles PC Discussion. Single Player Ist not possible to farm Ice Shards from Corpses lying on the Ground. Is the only way chopping trees with the hoar-frost axe? is there some easier way to farm them instead of knocking down hundred of trees just to get 1/2 per tree with ymir axe? So how exactly do I farm Ice Shards? I've read from multiple sources that you get them from using the hatchet tp chop trees, but I've been. The ice shard is cold as death to the touch and seems to writhe in your hands. › /05 › conan-exiles-how-to-get-ice-shards.